Fallen Faces: The Seven Sins
Fallen Faces: The Seven Sins
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In a world where supernatural beings exist in secret, the Seven Deadly Sins are more than ancient myths—they are the powerful entities that keep the balance of the world intact. Lust, Wrath, Pride, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, and Sloth have lived for centuries, not as forces of evil, but as primal energies that guide humanity’s deepest emotions and instincts. Without them, the world would fall into a lifeless abyss of apathy. Nerissa, the embodiment of Lust, has spent centuries with Ronan, the force behind Wrath, their bond forged through passion, power, and a love as intense as the forces they control. Together, they’ve fought side by side, keeping the balance of desire and justice in check. But now, a mysterious rogue force is destabilizing the world, erasing the influence of the Sins and pushing humanity toward a cold, emotionless existence. As this enemy closes in, Lust and Wrath must reunite with their estranged "family" of Sins to restore the balance. But their love, while their greatest strength, could also become their most dangerous weakness. With the fate of the world in their hands, their burning attraction threatens to consume them just as darkness looms. As the Sins race to uncover the source of the threat, they must face their opposite forces—the Virtues—before everything they stand for is wiped out forever. Can desire and rage save the world, or will this be the end of the Seven Sins?
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Author Sinful Obsessions is your guide to the darker corners of the imagination. Crafting stories that are more than just words on a page, they are experiences. Each tale is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, filled with characters that could be your next-door neighbors. Believing that the best stories make readers feel, think, and above all - enjoy. So, whether you're snuggled under a blanket on a rainy day or looking for a beach read, Sinful Obsessions' books are your ticket to a world where the ordinary meets the extraordinary. Enter if you dare, but beware, you might get lost in the obsession.
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