The Fates' Betrayal
The Fates' Betrayal
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What happens when you wake up without remembering who you are only to realise you are not living inside your body, but sharing it with a...a prisoner?! In a shattered world marred by the aftermath of a divine war and the disruption of the natural order, Aisa awakens in the confines of a man's body. Trapped within the enigma of Jack's persona, she grapples with the mysteries that shroud his past, all the while yearning to unravel the enigma of her own existence. As they navigate their intertwined destinies, Aisa and Jack encounter obstacles and confront both old acquaintances and new faces, their journey further complicated by the relentless pursuit of Krathos, who seeks to manipulate destiny for his own ambitions. As Aisa delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding her own demise, a heartbreaking revelation leaves a bitter taste, as the betrayal of the one closest to her knows no boundaries. Can she find it in her heart to forgive and aid in averting another war, mending a world teetering on the brink? Or will Krathos triumph in ruling over a dying world? The journey of two souls confined within the same vessel, searching for each other's true identities. A story about discovering the art of trust, making amends for past transgressions, and learning the power of forgiveness.
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